
HUMANITIES 101 bases its programming and resources on human-centered, qualitative research. Our goal, ALWAYS, is improving the quality of life for neurodivergent individuals. By participating in these studies, you are actively helping to make the lives of disabled people better. Thank you.

Current Survey Studies in Progress

  • Exploring Micro-Accommodations for Self-Regulation in Late-Identified Autistic Adults: A Comprehensive Survey Study

    Designed FOR autistic individuals, this study looks at how small changes, called Micro-Accommodations, help late-identified autistic adults with self-regulation. By understanding the specific needs of this group, the survey aims to show how personalized adjustments in daily life and work settings can improve their quality of life and confidence.

  • COMMUNITY (Autistic Adjacent) EDITION - Exploring Micro-Accommodations for Self-Regulation in Late-Diagnosed Autistic Adults: A Comprehensive Survey Study

    This study seeks to explore how small changes help late-diagnosed autistic adults manage self-regulation, viewed from the perspective of someone connected to the autistic community. It aims to understand how these personalized adjustments can support the well-being of autistic adults and improve their quality of life.