Human-centered research in action.
Services for organizations of all sizes
The National Institute of Health estimates that 15-20% of the world’s population is neurodivergent.. Neurodivergence includes disorders like ADHD, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, and Tourette’s (just to name a few). This means that there are 1.2 to 1.6 BILLION neurodivergent humans on our globe.
Those humans are customers, employees, citizens, and a number of other stakeholders. Both the private and public sectors need to embrace the “new normal of no normal” as they navigate their way through the 21st Century.
We at Humanities101 have over two decades of educational and institutional consulting. We have worked with public and private clients to bring a human-centered focus to their projects and products.
From international Fortune 500 companies to small municipal villages of less than 500 residents, we work with each client to personalize the approach.
Now we are offering our services to more than just this niche market. We employ current theories in User Experience (UX) and Universal Design for Learning (UD) to inform our consulting work.
While we value our clients immensely, our goal at Humanities101 is that you are a one-time client; We want to build PARTNERS. We hope to help you build an environment that responds to the needs of your shareholders. In all that we do, we truly want to help humans harness the power of their humanity.
If we do our job right, we do it once.
From there, YOU will be empowered to make the change needed to adapt to our ever-changing world and the people within it.
What you get when you hire us…
We work with you one-on-one to build a comprehensive plan to address ALL the stakeholders whilst addressing the difficulties faced on top-end.
Our plan will use the latest research in human-centered research to add an approach to your product/service that customers are craving.
We use Universal Design and our proprietary theory of Micro-Accommodation to make the process of including ALL stakeholders easy and manageable.
A team of dedicated academic and media professionals will tailor to what you need in order to meet the desires of your stakeholders.
Community and belonging are at the heart of our approach. Employees, customers, management, and ownership all play a role. We will help you foster the environment in which this can happen.
We can build events, one-time training, a permanent training program, or even produce policies and proprietary texts specific to your institution or organization.
Our mission is to aid organizations in fostering an inclusive community for their stakeholders.
We celebrate human diversity and the human experience by exploring and appreciating stories and experiences to cultivate empathy, critical thinking, and a deeper connection for all humans. We offer human-centered research and support to harness the untapped potential and ultimately illuminate the beauty of the human experience through compassion and understanding
The Workshop Menu
Below is a list of our current workshops and training programs
What is Autism?
This 30-60 minute program (depending on Q&A) includes socio-neurological definitions of ASD. It focuses on the HUMAN aspect of autism rather than autism as an affliction or deficit. This program is beneficial for employees and staff who have public-facing positions. Attendees will take away the key definitions and ideas of Autism Spectrum Disorder and how to engage stakeholders who have ASD.
Dr. H speaking to a K-12 institution about his Mellon Foundation grant work in the humanities
Micro-Accommodations: Little Changes with BIG Impact
This 60 minute discussion focuses on how Universal Design and User Experience (UX) are growing sectors in both the public and private industries. All industries and all stakeholders can benefit from ACTUAL small things they can do to improve efficiency, communication and connection. Attendees will leave with REAL-WORLD way to build community NOW!
Dr. H collaborating with University of Michigan’s OptiMize program
The ABCs of Community
Building community is no easy task. Whether it be amongst co-workers, employees, students, or other stakeholders, feeling a sense of belonging is one of the main drivers of the human experience. This 60 to 90 minute experience centers on how to harness the power of inclusion and integration to synthesize lasting and real communities of those interested in mutual success. Attendees leave with a better understanding of how we can come together and build a better now.
A multi-modal UX/UDL learning space designed for Henry Ford College’s Honors Program wing
Emotion as Key to Reason
Aristotle argued over 2400 years ago that Reason was the key to good argument. Two thousand years later, we only took up two of the three key components to his idea of Reason. In this 30-60 minute session, the details of persuasion and argument will be covered in a practical way that will serve your institution. Attendees will take away the ways to ethically and reasonably engage emotional imagination in their work.
Non-speaking communication aid desk mat created for K-12 partner
The New Normal of No Normal
This 30-60 minute program (depending on Q&A) includes socio-neurological definitions of neurodivergence. It focuses on the HUMAN aspect of neurodivergence and how this growing portion of our world population is the “new normal.” . This program is beneficial for employees and staff who have public-facing positions. Similar to our “What is Autism” workshop, attendees will take away the key definitions and ideas of neurodivergence and how to engage stakeholders who are ND.
Do Not See What You Need?
Please reach out to us. Our team as well as our network of experts pride ourselves on our “capacibility,” or our capacity for adaptation to you and your stakeholders’ needs. Our mission is to equip you to be a one time client and a lifetime partner. We want to teach you how to adapt in the future so that you only need to hire us ONCE!
Dysregulation cycle handout completed for training program about neurodivergence